Product Overview
- Hatch Date: 11/12/2024
♀️ "Cross Hatch" a dark pigmented Leucy
Mom- "Blueberry Pied" a very dark pigmented Leucy aka Piebald owned by "Brianna Allman" het Albino. She got her from a person who received her from a breeder in Kentucky with only a hatch date of May 2021.
Dad- "Gru" a Super Dirty Leucy produced by Orion's Axolotls and owned by "Mindy Plake" het all but Hypomelanistic. His mom is called "Asteroid" a dirty Leucy with a big black spot on her head received from a local person in Florida. His dad is called "Leviathan " a dirty Leucy she purchased from West Florida Axolotls & Exotics but was produced by Jennifer Barton with KloudNine Axolotls February, 2019 leucy clutch.
♂️ "Cookie Crumbs" a GFP Blue Pied Leucy
Mom - "Almond Joy" All-het Subtile Mosaic MAC from my " Strawberry" a female All-Het Mel Leucy and "Cafe Mocha" my Wild-Type I got from Norther Axolotls "Alexander" and "Rose" het Mel, Axanthic, copper and White (Leucy).
Dad - "Honey Dejon" or "Honey D." For short. He is a GFP Hypomelanistic I got from Marilyn Devereaux with Lone Wolf Lotls. His mom is "Mackenzie" a GFP All-Het Mel Copper and his dad is "Penthouse Suite" a All-het Mosaic.