Finding a Reputable Axolotl Breeder

Posted by Tina Heckman on Mar 9th 2023

Finding a Reputable Axolotl Breeder

I want to talk about the importance of proper lineage tracking and how you can choose the right axolotl breeder.

I keep hearing from many people who want to buy a cheap Axolotl. I get this all the time, "How much are your Axolotls?"," Wow that's too much, I was looking for something cheaper!" Well you get what you pay for.

If you want a healthy axolotl that was well bred for you will pay a little more for them than getting one from someone willing to sell them to you for cheap. The word cheap comes with a lot of negatives. A well cared for Axolotls from a reputable breeder these days costs the breeder much more money to care for now than it used to be even just a year ago. Let alone the time spent on each baby and all the planning and prepping for breeding for it. Not to mention the cost to raise the breeders is also more expensive these days.

When someone tells me that's too much I just simply say, "I am sorry," now. I won't do all this work to sell my axolotl for pennies and come out in the negative in the end.

A reputable axolotl breeder takes good notes and records on their breeders and babies they produce. You know you found a good breeder if they can give you all the lineage on the Axolotl you are buying. I am not a line breeder. I keep track and gather as much information on any lotl I take in to be a breeder. I can track 3 or more generations back on most of my lotls here. This is important because Axolotls have already been so inbred. This helps give the lotl a better chance of not having genetic issues. Genetic issues can lower their life span. So if I see any connections they will not be bred together.

Buying from a pet store or backyard breeder encourages their bad practices to continue. Also, many pet stores don't even know proper care for them. There are some exceptions which I do know a few, but those are few are far between. Not to mention the life of the lotl you get from them may not be as good as getting them from a reputable breeder.

When you are thinking of moving forward to buy an axolotl, be sure to ask questions. A reputable axolotl breeder will be able to answer all your questions. Make sure they have lineage, hatch dates, and know proper care.